Vlogger & Blogger
Sisyphus No Problem
Sisyphus No Problem 西西弗斯没问题

Bilibili [Bilibili]   Youtube [Youtube]

TLDR; Established a personal channel on Bilibili (Chinese Youtube) and YouTube, sharing insights into cutting-edge technology, entrepreneurship, career planning, and study. Achieved 800,000 video views and 23,000 followers. Developed an AI knowledge document and blogs with over 300,000 total reads.
Copy It!
Just Copy It! 抄就完了

小宇宙 [小宇宙]   Apple Podcast [Apple Podcast]

TLDR; 'Just Copy It' is a podcast that focuses on how post-2000s generation individuals make money and create impacts. In each episode, we invite a young professional or entrepreneur born after 2000, who has achieved tangible results, to share their journey of achieving these outcomes. We aim to learn from those who have succeeded. Our hope is to connect with every young person who has ideas. About 'Just Copy It', we hope that those who love to tinker and experiment can find inspiration here. We aspire for 'Just Copy It' to be more than just a set of reference answers, but a guide to help you transition from imitation to creation. Whether you are seeking a career change or looking to make money and create impact, we are here to accompany the young and restless on their journey to achieving results.
Ryan's Blog

Blog [Blog]

TLDR; I regularly write blogs covering a range of topics including cutting-edge technologies like AI and Web3, recommendations for various software tools, and my reflections on growth, tech trends, learning, and life in general. Additionally, I share insights on learning programming and thoughts on entrepreneurship, business, product development, and the self-media landscape. Cumulatively, my blog has amassed over 500,000 views, and I'm deeply grateful for everyone's appreciation.
Huawei HCI Hackathon

Huawei HCI Hackathon

Huawei HCI Hackathon

Huawei HCI Hackathon

2022 YunXi Conference

2022 YunXi Conference

ETH Beijing Hackathon

ETH Beijing Hackathon

ETH Beijing Hackathon

ETH Beijing Hackathon

SegmentFault Hackathon

SegmentFault Hackathon

SegmentFault Hackathon

SegmentFault Hackathon

Unique Hackday 2023

Unique Hackday 2023

2023 Blockchain Application Stanford Summit

2023 Blockchain Application Stanford Summit

SBC 2023 Conference

SBC 2023 Conference


ETH NYC Hackathon

ETH Hangzhou Hackathon

ETH Hangzhou Hackathon

ETH Hangzhou Hackathon

ETH Hangzhou Hackathon

2023 Yunxi Hackathon

2023 Yunxi Hackathon